Welcome to The Balanced Voice Podcast

Powered by Crime Stoppers of Houston
About the Podcast
The Balanced Voice Podcast is a podcast for the community by the community and has a mission to facilitate balanced conversations that offer real solutions about today’s most pressing issues. The podcast welcomes local and national leaders to share perspectives on often polarizing issues in a balanced manner. Through these conversations, we hope to educate, empower, and equip our listeners to become active participants in local and national public safety initiatives.
In Season 5, we welcomed our first co-host, Jennifer Hohman. Jennifer is a Crime Stoppers of Houston Board Member and brought added perspective to our conversations this season.
Season 6
Season 6 of The Balanced Voice podcast is out with new guests and important conversations that are affecting our communities, schools and families. We invite you to join us every Wednesday at 10am CST!


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Thank you FlipLok!
A special thanks to our podcast sponsor Flip Lok for their support that makes our weekly episodes possible!
About Flip Lok
Flip Lok was created to help protect from home intruders but the founder Anna Reger quickly realized it could be used in school and administration buildings after a reported shooting occurred close to home. Anna is currently working with school districts and governments to implement Flip Lok in school’s across America. Visit fliplock.com to learn more.